Second Volume Hors série Starfix orienté maquillages en majorité.
Sommaire en fin de post.Photos issues des articles sur : Willow (photo2 ),20000 Lieues sous les mers (photo1), Carl Buechler sur From Beyond (photo 3),Beetlejuice (photo 4)...
In the volume 2 from Starfix sfx special issue essentially make up effects.Articles about : Willow (photo 2 in this post),20000 leagues (photo1), Carl Buechler on From Beyond (photo 3),Fright Night 2, Beetlejuice (photo 4), Sam Raimi on Evil Dead 2 (photo 5)...
...Sam Raimi sur Evil Dead 2 (photo 5), Le Blob (photo 6), Steve Johnson sur Freddy 4 (photo 9), la Forteresse Noire (photo 8), Jacques Gastineau (photo 7).
The Blob (photo 6), Wes Craven on Freddy,Steve Johnson on Freddy 4 (photo 9 ), Romero on Day of the Dead, Grand Guignol, Demons, Alien Nation, Interview with Stan Winston, The Keep (photo 8), Enki Bilal, Terminus, Jacques Gastineau (photo 7), Die Hard.
Sommaire / Contents :
Ron Magid, S Fabre, C Gans,B Lestang, C Lemaire, A Grenier, A Eisenberg.Thanks to Don Shay.Copyright Decembre 1988 Edi-Presse
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