On ne quitte pas l'univers de Jaws vu que c'est en se remémorant le travail de Bob Mattey sur le calamar géant de 20000 Lieues sous les Mers ( 5 pages consacrés au sujet dans ce volume), que Spielberg embaucha le spécialiste des effets mécaniques pour créer son requin Bruce des Dents de la Mer.
You will find in this second volume 5 pages about Bob Mattey at work on the giant squid of 20000 leagues under the Sea....
Two others hardware greats with 3 pages each about the Time machine and The Enterprise from Star trek the movie.
5 pages about another mechanical effect veteran, A.D Flowers at work on another Spielberg movie :1941
15 pages chapter about matte artist as matthew Yuricich ( Logan's run, Star Trek) and Harrison Ellenshaw ( Star Wars, the Black Hole...). Above photo a Flesh Gordon's effect.
Another 15 pages about make up effects artists as Stuart Freeborn (photo), Tom Savini on Maniac, Rick Baker, Dick Smith, Tom Burman.